GR9277 #80
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omidkhakpour 2014-02-03 08:59:51 | this quastion is wrong becaus the 25KV is "25K electron volt". The question said it's V = volt, not eV=electron volt
omidkhakpour 2014-02-03 09:54:59 |
yo think this wrong but q = e, so we get straight back to electron volts.
|  | omidkhakpour 2014-02-03 08:59:34 | this quastion is wrong becaus the 25KV is "25K electron volt". The question said it's V = volt, not eV=electron volt |  | ali8 2011-07-13 08:28:32 | Sorry but, how did all of you assumed that the 25KV is "25K electron volt". The question said it's V = volt, not eV=electron volt.
So we should use E=qV...
itorsics 2011-09-11 00:29:31 |
And , so we get straight back to electron volts...
|  | gumby 2009-10-29 21:43:39 | Memorize this useful quantity! It's faster than trying to multiply h*c all the time.

Mnemonic: first 3 digits, last 3 digits.
nyuko 2009-10-30 21:59:16 |
I think memorizing is good enough
apr2010 2010-04-08 09:15:47 |
On the order of atom lattice constants / near neighbor distances ( ), so it should be 0.5 or smaller. The resolution is in general not as good with x-ray tubes, that's why I have chosen B.
gravity 2010-11-09 05:12:06 |
I think memorizing is good enough
neon37 2010-11-12 06:21:21 |
try 1000 eVnm even easier.
|  |
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