GR0177 #58
Alternate Solutions |
BerkeleyEric 2010-07-18 19:23:00 | Basically the electric field pushes the proton in +x and the magnetic field pushes it in -x, so when the velocity is increased (by increasing V), the magnetic field wins out. | |
Comments |
BerkeleyEric 2010-07-18 19:23:00 | Basically the electric field pushes the proton in +x and the magnetic field pushes it in -x, so when the velocity is increased (by increasing V), the magnetic field wins out. | | niux 2009-11-02 13:16:46 | Although magnetic field is now bigger, the particle is not deflected in the direction of magnetic field (+y), but in the direction resultant from vectorial product: v cross B (+z cross +y) i.e. in (-x) direction, then we have choice B. | | chahah 2009-11-01 10:25:37 | The initial calculation could just be omitted, since the answer choices do not contain any numbers. | |
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